Breast Biopsies & Other Procedures

A step-by-step guide to performing breast procedures. Ultrasound, stereotactic, MRI, wire locs & more.

The Definitive Guide to Breast Intervention

There is nothing else like it on the market. Detailed step-by-step checklist like approach to performing every breast procedure. Plus how to handle any variant situation that may arise. Armed with this course, you will be equipped to biopsy any breast lesion.

In-depth coverage of how to perform:

  • Ultrasound Core Biopsies
  • Stereotactic Core Biopsies
  • Tomosynthesis Guided Biopsies
  • MRI-Guided Breast Biopsies
  • Wire & Seed Localizations
  • Cyst or Abscess Aspirations
  • And More...

Your Instructor

Wade Hedegard M.D.
Wade Hedegard M.D.

Wade Hedegard M.D. is a breast imaging radiologist with a special interest in finding ways to improve education. He works at one of the busiest breast imaging practices in the U.S. ( He has lectured at national meetings and at CME courses around the country. He feels weird writing about himself in the third person and will stop now.

During my training I was shocked by the lack of resources available. I poured over dozens of big textbooks and case review books as well as hundreds of journal articles, yet still was unable to quickly and easily answer simple real-world questions. Things like "how do you work up an asymmetry?" or "what are the exact steps to performing a stereotactic biopsy?" I knew there must be a better way.

In radiology, a picture is worth a thousand words and I have discovered that step-by-step video guides are the ultimate way to master any subject. Learning does not have to be so hard!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

This is what you have been looking. A cookbook approach to breast intervention.

You need to do a stereotactic core biopsy of subtle calcifications in a patient with breast implants - - No problem.

You need to do an ultrasound core biopsy of a superficial mass near the nipple - - We got you covered.

MRI biopsy of an enhancing focus in the far medial left breast - - Let's do it.

Bracketed wire localization of calcifications in an elderly patient - - Yes we can.

Become the go resource for your practice.

Feel Confident with ANY BREAST PROCEDURE!!

Get started now!